Summer has just begun and many are looking to lose weight now. And the faster the better. Your health is yours, and what matters is the weight you feel good at, that enhances your well-being, and that you can maintain... all year long. What others say or think... forget it.
The month of June marks the Digestive Health, which is a pillar of our health, and so we share with you the vision of our clinicians on the subject. Thus, we share the vision of Dr Helena Santos.
Wok? Have you heard of it? It is the cooking utensil that cannot be missing in your kitchen! It can promote healthy eating. Learn how in this article.
Although there is much success, a diet low in FODMAP does not always help eliminate intestinal discomfort or the symptoms return some time later and the causes may be diverse. Therefore, consultation with assessment and understanding of your particular case, is crucial.
I'm not going to tell you to get more sleep - you've probably heard that already. What you don't know is that, more important than the hours of sleep, is its quality and profitability. I'll leave you with three strategies or biohacks to get better sleep and recover more, even while maintaining the same hours of sleep.
The campaign in favour of the vegetarian diet as the saviour of world civilisation has not lost any momentum over the years. It has probably gained steam with the documentaries, personalities and influencers who advocate it and swear it can save the planet and our health. Anything that can improve health and performance has my utmost interest. I have tried to assess its merit, having come to some conclusions Read before starting (or continuing) in this boat.
burnout comes when we stop working. Not because we don't want to, but simply because we can no longer do it. This seems to be the hidden side that goes unnoticed. But it can be the key to getting it back.
To talk about nutrition and diet these days is to get into a violent war. Nevertheless, I decided to dive into history, science and arguments to answer one question: is it the best for health and performance? In this first text, I dwell on the history of the food pyramid and how we were probably fooled.
An autoimmune disease does not have to be a sentence. It is possible to fight it and succeed. It is possible to win the war. It is possible.
It's the time for set phrases, to the point of being tiresome. But it's still true: if the next few years are better than those that have already passed, it's because the best is over. And I refuse to let that be true!
If you are still looking for ideas of what to give to those who want to improve their health, I leave you with 5 last minute gift suggestions.
Could serious fractures in athletes like Dak Prescott and Conon McGregor have been avoided if they had their vitamin D optimised?
How eliminating intolerances from the diet may have helped Lucy Charles-Barclay to finally become Ironman 70.3 world champion
It is at least fair to say that, although unlikely, it is possible to win the battle against multiple sclerosis.
There is increasing published evidence supporting the use of the Coimbra protocol in autoimmune diseases. This article is a milestone in that process.
The origin of the misunderstanding arises from assuming that the body does not act because the mind does not want to. It follows that this is the problem: the mind not wanting to. We often confuse fatigue, sleep disturbance and frustration that we feel because the body no longer responds as it once did, and is not able to perform as it once did, as symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Burnout is not a lack of will, motivation or drive. It is not a depressive state and, therefore, not treatable with antidepressants.
Burnout is just a drained state affecting those who pushed too much for too long in pursuit of their goals, dreams and ambition.
I hope I was able to share a clear view into the science behind the use of vitamin D in the treatment of autoimmune conditions and why the Coimbra Protocol is a evidence-supported option to achieve the ultimate goal: helping millions of patients in their quest to a better health.
Simply put, Burnout is the "end" state of a picture characterized by an inability of our systems to act appropriately in the circumstances.
Silent inflammation is one of the key points of any treatment in Functional Medicine. Discovering what may be causing inflammation and controlling it can be the key to decreasing many symptoms and even preventing several diseases.
The role of the modern doctor is no longer simply to prescribe the best medicine for each disease. The doctor has to go further, find out the causes of problems and help solve them and in cases such as diabetes already installed, make recommendations as natural as possible.
The mean vitamin D concentration was 21.8 ng/mL. An inverse association was found between vitamin D levels and inflammation. A concentration of less than 20ng/mL was associated with lower vitamin D receptor expression, lower mucosal integrity, and higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-8).
The researchers could not define if the alterations are cause or consequence, but in any case they have already given good clues for the intestinal flora to be evaluated and corrected.
The convenience of emailing will have a big toll in our bodies, brains and minds with significant impact in our society. We can definitely have too much of it. We can have Death By Email.
In the fight against autoimmunity, any positive change not matter how big it is should be considered a win and should be considered a sign of success.
The Coimbra Protocol is, to my knowledge, the best therapeutic option to fight autoimmunity. It is not a straight road to recovery though, as some testimonials may portray: it has a lot of ups and downs, twists and turns, and sometimes dead-ends. Thousands of patients have felt its effects but there are those who didn't feel it.
It should be acknowledged that the Coimbra Protocol doesn't help everyone.
Dietary tips so you can maintain a healthy weight all year round. Because each patient is truly unique.