Functional Nutrition
There is so much information about nutrition that sometimes it's enough to go back to the basics, to the essentials. If we go to the dictionary, the definition of nutrition is "the act of nourishing or being nourished". And so it should be, simple and natural.
This act of nurturing, we know it is:
More than just feeding.
Although there are concepts that apply to all of us, what we want with functional nutrition consultations,
is for you to discover what it is that nourishes you!

Adding the word "Functional" to Clinical Nutrition, makes all the difference in promoting optimal health.
The study of function shows us that every naturally occurring nutrient in food has a purpose, a purpose greater than providing calories.
Each food and its nutrients are able to modulate numerous organic functions, hormonal communication and genetic expression, therefore acting both in prevention and treatment. It also acts in the direction of health or discomfort, which leads to symptoms sooner or later.
Our life is dependent on the act of nurturing,
What we eat becomes part of us.
Why shouldn't we want the best for ourselves?
And what is best for me today may be different tomorrow, depending on my lifestyle, for example. Just as what is best for me is different from what is best for anyone else.

Functional Nutrition, being scientifically based, encompasses the knowledge of Nutrition and Food Sciences and enriches it with the innovative vision of:
Functional Medicine >
recognising that each individual is unique.
Each individual is unique:
in their gene pool and expression;
in the way it synergistically manages biological rhythms and the rhythms of work, leisure and rest;
in the way it deals with the act of eating;
in the way it tolerates, likes or dislikes certain foods;
in the way you look after yourself;
how you are affected by the choices you have made so far
Above all, functional nutrition has the individual at its centre and not their complaints/diseases, understanding the individual imbalances that have conditioned the manifestation of symptoms.
In Functional Nutrition consultations,
the individual is understood in a holistic way.
in order to elaborate a
food and nutritional treatment plan adapted to their needs.
We want to help you on the path to being the best version of yourself! And we have no doubt that nutrition is part of the process.
The nutritional consultations are aimed at all those who want to optimise their diet and nutrition in a personalised way, either because they have certain symptoms or for prevention.
Those who have medical follow-up with us may also be recommended a nutrition consultation for a variety of reasons.

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Integrative Functional Medicine | Protocol Coimbra | Human Performance Optimization
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