Our Team
The Method
(by Dr. Cristina Sales)
"(...) It is possible, realistically possible, to achieve better levels of health than being at average and being at the 'normal' level. If that is your ambition, we have the greatest privilege in helping you."
The Vision
(by Miguel Damas, MD)
"(...) It is possible, realistically possible, to achieve better levels of health than being at average and being at the 'normal' level. If that is your ambition, we have the greatest privilege in helping you."
Miguel Damas, MD
I believe it cannot be our body that limits what we can achieve in life. I believe it is possible to increase the chances of achieving your dreams and meeting your goals when you discover why your body is not functioning at its best. That's why I do what I do.
Helena Santos
I believe that each of us can do something to make the world a better place. My mission is to do it through nutrition. I try to make my contribution by helping everyone who comes to me and thus help make the world a healthier, happier place.
Conceição Soares
My goal is simple: to provide full support to those who come to us at all times, ensuring that their focus is with their health and their goals, eliminating the worry about logistical issues.