Functional Nutrition in
Health/Intestinal Diseases
Whether you have only mild complaints or already have severe symptoms, a balanced bowel can be difficult to find and during this time quality of life is always lost.

Constipation, diarrhoea, aerocolics, irregular bowel function or a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), lactose/histamine/fructose intolerances,... these may all be reasons to make an appointment for a nutritional consultation
The treatment or action plan to be combined is not always the same, even for patients with the same symptoms or complaints.
For example:
Non-celiac gluten intolerance can be the cause of frequent diarrhoea;
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) may underlie irritable bowel syndrome and a diet low in FODMAPS is not enough;
You may be eating a lot of fibre, but there is no balance between soluble and insoluble fibre;
You may think you're drinking enough water, but you've been taking a fibre supplement and it's gotten even worse;
You may be having difficulty with the digestive process without realising it;
You may not need a probiotic, but rather feed the bacteria you already have in your gut with the right foods;
You may even need a good probiotic; ...

Each case has to be assessed and investigated to get to the root of the problem.
The "I've always been like this" is usually solved when we find the reason for the imbalances that cause the chaos in which the intestine often finds itself. The fact that you have been living with a situation for as long as you can remember does not make it part of you or make it "normal".

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