Functional Nutrition in
Life Cycle
The period from pre-conception to the child's second birthday represents an optimal window of opportunity to positively influence the child's health for life and also for future generations.
It is well known that we start influencing the health of our children even before we conceive them. Therefore, the best possible nutritional status is where you would definitely want to be at this important stage of life.
In functional nutrition consultations we make a
assessment of your nutritional status
not only by asking pertinent questions but also by recommending specific assessments.
The working tools will be:
Food, supplementation (necessary or not), but also lifestyle (what you put on your skin, the exercise you do or don't do...).
They may be small or large changes to prepare you for a phase that is as wonderful as it is challenging and demanding - pregnancy.
Paternal health also influences the health of future children, starting in the process of embryogenesis.
Parents-to-be are therefore most welcome.
Your baby depends entirely on you at this stage of life,
and your body still needs all the nutrients it needed before to be able to function at its peak.
What often happens is that the baby receives everything he needs and the mother is deprived of a series of nutrients, the consequences of deficiency will only be noticed later.
Don't let yourself or your baby(ren) miss out on anything.
In the first year of life
Diversified feeding, Baby Led Weaning or Mixed Method, the choice is yours and your baby's. Above all, no guilt, obligations or checklists.
The act of sucking is almost innate in babies.
Some may need a little more training, but usually after a few minutes they are ready to start suckling.
The act of eating (chewing, tasting, swallowing...) foods other than mother's milk (or another milk of one's own) requires (a lot of) training and a lot of patience
on the part of those who accompany them. It is a process that can be as interesting, fun and effective as it is challenging.
With the right monitoring, get through this phase more smoothly.
Knowing that everything has its time, that babies really do know how to eat, but that they need adults to be prepared.
Ideally the consultations take place periodically to monitor the progress and new phases/needs of the little ones:
Before the introduction of food - assessment consultation and first tips;
At 6 months;
At 9 months;
At 12 months.
Follow up by email between appointments and, if desired, in a sharing group with other parents.
In consultation or workshops we are at your disposal, to be partners in this phase which is a path that you walk joyfully (slowly).

Make your appointment here >
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