"I believe it can't be our bodies that limit what we can achieve in life."
- Miguel Damas, MD
Our appointments
Functional Integrative Medicine
In Integrative Medicine the person is the centre of our attention. The name of the diagnosis of your disease is a very important medical classification, but the person who has that disease is the central core of the intervention in Integrative Medicine.
Coimbra Protocol
Use of high doses of vitamin D for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
We are the centre with the most experience outside Brazil (since 2012) with Dr. Miguel Damas being the second most experienced physician outside Brazil.
Human Performance Optimization
Program for those who don't want their life to be limited by their body and are looking for results that are much more than normal: they are looking for optimal performance, optimal health, optimal life. It's not a medical program, it goes far beyond what medicine has to offer.