2022: the year to stop being normal.
It's the time for set phrases, to the point of being tiresome. But it's still true: if the next few years are better than those that have already passed, it's because the best is over. And I refuse to let that be true!

Better diet and more exercise benefits older diabetics and obese people
The role of the modern doctor is no longer simply to prescribe the best medicine for each disease. The doctor has to go further, find out the causes of problems and help solve them and in cases such as diabetes already installed, make recommendations as natural as possible.

The Myth of Eating Every 3 hours
How is it possible that it is advocated that to lose weight you should eat every 3 hours!???!?!?!
Isn't it easy to see that doing so is preventing weight loss?

Sign of success
I had lost so much weight, so much volume, that even the low-cost planes became comfortable!!!

Why I weigh myself every day - part 3
Once you start doing it, you start loving the daily feedback the scale gives you!

Why I weigh myself every day - part 2
Assessing your weight each morning allows us to look at what happened differently the day before that may have caused that impact, whether positive or negative.

Why I weigh myself every day - part 1
The morning weight fluctuation shows the impact of something that may have occurred the day before on a process that is crucial to quitting being obese: inflammation.

The first steps to stop being obese - part 7
It is essential to weigh yourself every day, celebrate the small victories, realize what we are doing right and wrong, adjust to continue on the path to overcoming obesity.

The first steps to stop being obese - part 6
It is not fair that an obese person, after having had the courage to start and embark on this odyssey, after having made that commitment to themselves, decides to follow a healthy and adjusted diet plan and that fails because there are foods that are not what they seem and that will have a harmful effect on your health.

The first steps to stop being obese - part 5
Attention to the most sensitive: the next three statements are very controversial and may hurt sensibilities.

The first steps to stop being obese - part 4

The first steps to stop being obese - part 3
Obesity is not just a condition characterised by excessive fat accumulation. It is also recognisably an inflammatory condition, which means there is an active role for immune cells.

The first steps to stop being obese - part 2
Another difference between being and not being obese is the way the body works. It is very different!

The first steps to stop being obese - part 1
When we start, we are motivated and enthusiastic. But we are also fragile and vulnerable, with doubts and uncertainties about whether or not we are capable of succeeding. We want to be and we think we are. But we don't have any real demonstration that we can yet, we don't have much to hold on to, just this motivation of ours.

Twelve bells, twelve raisins , it's time to ask for "wishes for the new year".
Twelve bells, twelve raisins (or similar!), it's time to ask for "wishes for the new year".

The wrong explanation of Obesity
The most common explanation for obesity is that obese people eat too much and spend too little, accumulating energy in the form of fat. Because he continues to eat more energy than he expends, he is unable to lose weight. And as long as you do, you will not be able to stop being obese.

Deciding to stop being obese is an act of courage
Being obese has allowed me to see the world through the eyes of the overweight. Of those who are always ready to eat but not ready to exercise. Who is always hot and tight. Of those who constantly put off the changes they know they need to make.