The first steps to stop being obese - part 6
3. We are all the same but all different
We all react in the same basic way to the same stimuli. For example: when carbohydrates are absorbed, we release insulin. We may release more or less insulin but we will release it.
We are all the same in that sense.
We are also all different.
Different foods cause different reactions in each individual.There should be no doubt about this point! Some people are sensitive to gluten, casein, lactose, fructose, albumin, ... Being sensitive means that molecules present in these foods activate more or less violent immune reactions, with the release of specific inflammatory mediators and antibodies.
In theory, any food can have this impact. Eliminating them is the first step towards becoming obese: we will substantially reduce the creation of inflammatory responses in the body.
To have a complete, personalised list of foods that every obese person should eliminate, tests are needed.
But there is a basis which is common to most people. These are foods that have a very high probability of having a systemic inflammatory impact on the organism, in any of us, due to their characteristics, their processing and their production.
The main suspects are
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Refined carbohydrates
- Refined vegetable fats
It is true that we are not all immunologically sensitive to these foods. Some people can eat them without an inflammatory reaction. I confess that in my clinical experience I have yet to meet anyone who can but I am sure there will be.
But most of us are to at least two of the items on the list, and it is extremely common to be to all of them.
These suspects should be the first to be removed from the diet, regardless of how many calories, carbohydrates, proteins or fats they may have. The inflammatory impact they have overrides all of that!!!
The big difficulty is how to do it and simple and practical way.
Unfortunately, "they are everywhere", often without it even crossing our minds that they might be there.
Did you know that
the vast majority of hams or sausages on the market have at least one form of sugar?
is gluten added to minced meat?
do raisins have vegetable oil added to them?
It is not fair that an obese person, after having had the courage to start and embark on this odyssey, after having made that commitment to themselves, decides to follow a healthy and adjusted diet plan and that fails because there are foods that are not what they seem and that will have a harmful effect on your health.
It's not fair.
Reading labels is essential, particularly the "back" where the small print is. It is an art that must be perfected!
By reading the label we will know what we are really choosing, buying and eating. Information is power!
There are two rules that can be adopted in a simple way:
Do not eat any food that comes in a package.
If you want to opt for any of these foods, read the ingredients and only choose it if you can read all the words without having to squirm your tongue and if you know exactly what they mean.
Following these rules ensures that you are choosing the foods you want without being cheated and without your results being boycotted against your will.
You will also eliminate foods that are most likely to activate your immune system.
One question I am often asked is "how do I know if I am succeeding?".